Genus Setariola Jakobson, 1915 Coleoptera - Polyphaga - Tarsen-5-5-5 - Languriidae
  By Arved Lompe
Translated by: Mike Hackston
If you find any errors or omissions please mail me at
  In body shape rather reminiscent of a species of Cis. Body short, compact, appearing convex, without a shine and with short prostrate hair. The lower corners of the cheeks project tooth-like. Antennae with a 2-segmented club.  
#1 Short and compact, brownish red or brownish yellow species. Extremely finely shagreened above and therefore almost without a shine, covered quite densely with very short, almost bristle-like hair [Abb.1]. The head is densely but moderately finely punctured. The pronotum is almost as wide as the elytra and is twice as broad as long, broadest well beyond the middle, weakly narrowing towards the front; sides with a narrow curved, slightly wavy border. Elytra with random punctures and without a sutural stria. Aedeagus [Abb.2] Length 1.6-2.0 mm. According to Ganglbauer associated with Tamarix. I have collected this species by sieving leaf litter in a spruce forest in Spain. Western Mediterranean (according to Fauna Europaea also from Greece).

   ...sericea (Mulsant & Rey, 1863)

     First prepared: 3.01.2011
Latest edit: 09.02.2017 - 00:57:08
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Käfer Europas by Arved Lompe and this translation by Mike Hackston
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