Eyes rounded, not oblique, large, but not extending beyond the outline of the head at the sides when viewed from the top. Rostrum elongate, rather longer than wide. Pronotum with two transverse, shallow grooves which are close to one another. Scutellum with a pale cluster of hairs. Every other interval on the elytra broader and rather more raised; the third interval has a bulge just behind the base and is darkly bristled. Rostrum, cheeks and frons between the eyes and the border of the eyes to the rear white. Pronotum in the middle with a larger marking behind the transverse furrow and two further smaller markings to each side[Abb.1]. Elytra with a white broadly curved band extending from behind the swelling on the shoulders, surrounding a flat impression between the sub-basal swelling which is densely filled with pale hairs. Rear part of the elytra with a large white marking, penetrated by a thin brown branch along the seventh interval. Tibiae twice sinuate. First segment of the tarsi darkened towards the tip. Underside pale, the abdominal segments with dark markings at the side. A form with yellowish markings has been named quercinus. Length 3-6 mm. Locally common and widespread, but rare to absent towards the north-west; predominantly on oaks, rarely on beech. Often collected together with Anthaxia salicis and Plagionotus arcuatus. ...albirostris (Schaller, 1783) |